The mystery of the floating bar
A few days ago, Lisa pointed out that my blog was broken. And indeed it was. Now I figured out what it was about. Apparently, Blogger has a really weird feature… when you place a picture which is too big for the post area or a link that is too long, it simply shifts the side bar and puts it down. Nice, isn't it? And apparently there are many people who suffer from this problem. I found this idea on the blogger's help group and simply changed the source pictures for my post about the book sale. The really weird thing is that when I insert the pictures, I give them exact dimensions, so I really don't understand why the size of the source would matter. Any ideas?
I solved it once the same way as you did -- resizing my image so it was less than the width of the column.
What do you mean by you specify the dimensions? <img ... width="x" height="y" /> in the img tag?
Yes, that is exactly what i meant by specifying dimensions... am i wrong in thinking that it shouldn't matter?
Specifying the dimensions of the image to be less than that of the column (plus its padding considering the column has a few pixels of padding/margins most likely) would fix the problem too. Your dimensions must have been too large for the width still.
I think I resolved the problem assigning relative dimensions to the picture. That is thanks to Leonichka, who pointed out that giving absolute dimensions will screw up the view of the blog on computers that use low resolutions. I think somewhere deep inside I like programming…. :)
And of course it is a bug! Google recently has too many of them. Just today I realized that if you have a full day event scheduled with Google calendar, you cannot actually change the times and make it a few hours meeting. There is still a lot of work to do there…
Hate to point it out but it is a "bug" with many websites, not just Blogger. I mean, this is caused by the column widths specified for the overall page in the CSS (that's in your blogger template).
So they let us have control over the CSS and publishing of pictures so they effectively let us create ourselves a bug. Not that Blogger doesn't have any bugs in their software, but this is not a bug with their software.
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