Friday, February 16, 2007


Here is a piece of poetry written by my little, but super talented cousin Nadia. I think this is simply genius!


OH MY GOD, the sky is falling!
OH MY GOD, the kids are brawling!
OH MY GOD, the wind is blowing!
OH MY GOD, the Earth is slowing!
OH MY GOD, the Sun is shining!
OH MY GOD, my brother’s whining!
OH MY GOD, the phone is ringing!
OH MY GOD, the cat is singing!
OH MY GOD, he ate some pie!
OH MY GOD, he’s gonna die!
OH MY GOD, the stars are gleaming!
OH MY GOD, the pot is steaming!
OH MY GOD, T.V. is broken!
OH MY GOD, the fish has spoken!
OH MY GOD, the light has darkened!
OH MY GOD, the dark has lightened!
OH MY GOD, my breath is taken!
OH MY GOD, I’m very shaken!
OH MY GOD, the pen is moving!
OH MY GOD, the coffee’s brewing!
OH MY GOD, the food is rotten!
OH MY GOD, I choked a button!
OH MY GOD, I got an e-mail!
OH MY GOD, I missed a sale!
OH MY GOD, the door is squeaking!
OH MY GOD, my brain is peaking!
OH MY GOD, the glass is clear!
OH MY GOD, the end is near!
OH MY GOD, I’m growing lazy!
OH MY GOD, I’m going crazy!!!!

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